Co to je certifikace Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 a FSC?

What are Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 and FSC certifications?

Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 and FSC Certifications: A Guarantee for Ecology and Health

In today's world, where an increasing number of people are interested in ecology and a healthy lifestyle, certifications play a crucial role in providing trustworthy information about the products we purchase. Two of these trusted certifications are Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 and FSC, which serve to protect the environment and consumer health on a global scale.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) - Global Forest Protection

FSC certification represents one of the most reliable systems for both 1) forest certification and 2) chain of custody certification. It is a globally recognized system whose core values include transparency, openness to all stakeholders, and adherence to strict social and environmental standards.

FSC was established with the goal of protecting forests and forest ecosystems around the world. This certification ensures that wood and other forest products come from sustainable sources, meaning that forests are managed in a way that prevents excessive deforestation and preserves the biodiversity of local species.

An important aspect of FSC is also the support for the rights of indigenous peoples and workers in the forestry sector, which includes, for example, a ban on using illegally obtained wood and adherence to labor rights. This initiative is supported by major environmental organizations, including WWF, Friends of the Earth, and Greenpeace, which underscores FSC's credibility in sustainable forest management.

Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 - Guarantee of Safe Textiles

Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 is one of the most recognized labels in the world, and for good reason. This certification is used for textiles that have been tested for harmful substances. When you see this label on your clothing or home textiles, you can be absolutely sure that no chemical substances harmful to your health or the environment were used in their production.

The international Oeko-Tex® brand ensures ecological friendliness of textiles from the very beginning, from yarn production to the finished product. This means that by purchasing products with the Oeko-Tex® certification, you can be confident that these products do not contain any substances that could be harmful to your health or the environment.

The guarantee of quality and the absence of harmful substances is especially crucial in the realm of textiles that come into direct contact with human skin, such as clothing, bed linen, and baby products. Oeko-Tex® certification provides consumers with peace of mind that their health and the environment are protected.


FSC and Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 certifications represent two key tools for protecting the environment and consumer health. FSC focuses on sustainable forest management and forest products, while Oeko-Tex® ensures that textiles are safe for use. Both systems have global reach and have earned the trust of significant environmental organizations. When we buy products with these certifications, we can be assured that we are contributing to a better world for future generations.

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